Assistance to Obtain Independent Housing
Our staff maintains resource lists of the various types of housing available in our service area, including lists of subsidized and tax credit housing.
A list of funding resources for home modifications for both renters and home owners is also kept updated and available to the public. Housing counseling is available to explain how to apply for subsidized housing options and dealing with wait lists.
A list of shelters is provided for those seeking emergency housing options. Staff coordinates with public and private housing agencies to advocate to increase accessible and affordable housing options for people with disabilities.
The goal is to assist people with disabilities to obtain housing options that support their independence and ability to live actively and integrated in their communities. Individuals with disabilities can receive services through peer mentoring and ILS workshops to assist them to prepare for independent housing. A Peer Mentor may also assist an individual to explore services, home modifications or assistive technology needed to support independence and self-determination.