A message from ECI Executive Director, Nichole Davis
Cheryl Simpson has been vital to the Endependence Center for the past 40 years. Though we are sad to see her retire, we can say that she was a critical part of the Endependence Center and will be missed. It is hard to imagine a time when she was not around to have the answer to operational questions, resolve a technology issue, or answer any question about programs Endependence Center provides that help support people with disabilities with obtaining employment, as well as help advocate and ensure that when emergency planning happens, people with disabilities are a part of those conversations. Cheryl Simpson was around when Endependence Center was starting, and helped see it grow and be part of how Endependence Center has impacted the Tidewater community. Throughout her time here, the Endependence Center has grown from a staff of less than 10 to over 25. She was an employee who believed in the mission and vision of the Endependence Center, but also understood how vital operations and support were to ensure that all the various grants, programs, and services that helped meet the mission happened. It was not unusual that when a staff member had a question about a programmatic or operational need, “ask Cheryl” was a standard answer. ECI is sad to see her go, but after 40 years of HARD WORK, we wish her a Happy Retirement.