 The Endependence Center, as a non-profit organization, is continually pursuing funds  necessary to serve the South Hampton Roads area. If ECI is going to maintain the level of  services it currently is providing, or if ECI is to expand services to more fully serve South  Hampton Roads, we must depend on contributions from supporters of independent living in  the community. Individuals that believe in the work of ECI can show support by making an  annual contribution. Your donation can make possible the continuation and expansion of  needed services to individuals with disabilities in the community.
Make a donation to the Endependence Center by clicking on the PayPal button on the left
of the screen out of your bank account or credit card (you do not need to have your own
PayPal account).
Your contribution to ECI as a non-profit organization is tax deductible as we are a 501(c)3
organization (EIN 54-1250288). You will receive written acknowledgement for tax purposes.
Become a Partner in Independence
 Support the Endependence Center (ECI) to continue its important work by committing to
support Independent Living each month. Just $100 per month will help ensure that the
Endependence Center can continue to provide advocacy skills training, resource
information and direct independent living services across the region (i.e., Peer Mentoring).
The Annual Goal is to bring on 100 Partners in Independence at the $100 per month level.
This funding will help offset state and local government cuts to the Endependence Center
and ensure that our services remain free and available for anyone with a disability.
 For more information or to become a Partner In Independence, click here.
Endowment Fund Program
 Ways To Support This Fund Include:
Cash Contributions
Cash is the easiest and most popular form of gift and offers the donor a tax deduction equal  to the full value of the gift.
Life Insurance Policy
You may donate an old policy to this Fund, receiving an immediate tax deduction, usually in  the amount equal to policy cash surrender value, or you might choose to name this Fund as a  beneficiary to your insurance policy.
Charitable Bequests
A bequest is a gift of property or cash stated in your will that goes to a person or organization  at the death of the person making the will. A charitable bequest is completely deductible from  the donor’s estate, likely lowering estate taxes owed. This Fund continues your good work in  your name permanently, a living symbol of your caring.
Gifts Of Personal Property
Through inheritance or investment, donors may have accumulated personal property that can  be valuable-yet sometimes costly to insure or sell. This could include art collections, real
estate (residential, farm, developed, or undeveloped), antiques, even oil, gas, or mineral  rights may be converted into assets to be given to this Fund.
Publicly Traded- Securities
You donate stocks and bond to this Fund and get the maximum allowable tax deduction for  their full market value and ECI receive continuing income from the proceeds of the sale of  these securities.
Gifts From an Estate or Trust
You as the executor or trustee under a will, have instructions to allocate a certain amount of  money to charity. You may establish a Memorial Fund, honoring the deceased and with the  approval of the court, if necessary, you may arrange to have the charitable portion of the  estate paid to this Fund.
Your Contribution
With 40 years of combined service to their community, the Endependence Center, Inc. and  the Hampton Roads Community Foundation are pleased to announce their partnership in providing an opportunity for charitable giving that will assure services to the local disability community continue far into the future.
Your gift will become a part of the principle in a Fund that generates interest to support  Independent Living Programs and Services provided by the Endependence Center to  persons with disabilities in South Hampton Roads.
For further information or consultation, please contact:
Hampton Roads Community Foundation
101 W Main Street, Suite 4500 Norfolk, VA 23510 (757) 622-7951