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At any time during hurricane season, a storm could potentially impact the Hampton Roads area, and there is no better time than NOW to GET PREPARED, MAKE A PLAN, and STAY INFORMED!
GET PREPARED As a general rule, make sure you have enough water, non-perishable food, and any medications for each member of your family/support system (pets included) for at least 3-5 days.
However, only you know your family’s unique needs for day-to-day living. So, whether you are:
- A family with a member who has disabilities and/or access and functional needs
- A family with infants/small children and/or pets
MAKE A PLAN. Decide ahead of time how you and your family will react if and when a disaster comes.
STAY INFORMED. Local emergency management offices are able to send you messages about emergencies, evacuation orders, and shelter information. Keep informed by watching and listening to the news and visiting news sites on the internet.
Know your zone! Use this website to determine your evacuation zone:
Contact your IL Coordinator for assistance with developing your plan