The desire to educate the public that people with disabilities can work began in 1945 when congress enacted Public Law 176, which declared the first week of October each year as National Employ the Physically Handicapped week. In 1962, the word physically was removed from the title, as it was realized that people with a variety of disabilities could work. Twenty five years later, Congress expanded the week to a month and designated October as National Disability Employment Awareness Month. Each year, a theme is chosen to educate the community about how people with disabilities can be an asset to the workforce. This year’s theme is Disability: Part of the Equity Equation and the goal is to highlight the important role that people with disabilities play in a diverse and inclusive American workforce.
ECI understands this role and wants to work to assist any person with a disability with understanding the Americans with Disability Act Title 1 on Employment. Resources are available to help individuals with disabilities obtain employment, but to also learn about work place accommodations and assistive technologies that are available to help with performing necessary job duties. If you are interested in employment services, please contact ECI at 757-461-8007.